New subscription

 The technical file


 Payment means





 The technical file

 Breakdown service
The breakdown service may be requested by phone or in writing; you should indicate the subscription reference and the address.

 Counting verification
The verification is performed on written request addressed to your district. The verification cause Should be indicated.

 Technical inquiry further to damage
You should send a written application to your district where you specify the subscription reference, the date and time of the incident and the damages.

 Increasing power
   increasing the subscribed power :
 the requested power is inferior or equal to the installed power. Further to a written application addressed to your district, you sign an additional clause to the contract and the increase would be done free of charge.
 The requested power is superior to the installed power. You should submit a technical file for study and approval.

   increasing the transformer power :
The customer submits a file in three copies for approval. He shall bear the costs of the increase fees are charged on him.

 Renting a transformer
Renting may take place further to an incident that happened to your transformer and according to availability.
You address a written application to your district along with an enclosed to an order for cutting electricity and carring out works. Fees are invoiced lately with your consumption bill.

 Insulating the station for maintenance
You may address a written application to your district and indicate the cause and the date of cutting. You shall bear the costs of the works.


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