New subscription


 Meter reading

 The bill

 To pay your Bill
 To pay by Internet
 To control your consumption
 Claim and breakdown  services




For any technical or commercial complaint
You present at our counters provided with your last invoice,
Or to contact your district by telephone,
Or via our Web site by expressing your problem through your space customer (if you are already registered) or the heading requires service (this service available for the versions Arab and French of the site).




Before any request for breakdown service, you owe check:
  For Electricity:
- That the circuit breaker is in position of walk,
- If the breakdown touches all the vicinity or only your dwelling
   For Gas:
If the gas is cut by the STEG for work by Closing and opening the lever of the pressure reducer

In order to avoid any trouble, the electricity or gas set up is performed only in the presence of the subscriber 


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